Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sequential Circuits - MCQ

1. How many flip flop will be complemented in a 10 bit binary up counter to reach the next count after the count 1001100111.

Answer : 

Add 1 to the value and see the number of bits get toggled to obtain the number of flip flop need to be complemented in a binary up counter to reach the next count

 4 bits are toggled to obtain next count . So, 4 flip flops will be complemented.

2. A binary ripple counter uses flip-flops that trigger on the positive edge of the clock. What will be the count if the normal outputs of the flip-flops are connected to the clock input of the next stage.

      Answer : Positive Triggering  : 0 à1 , flip flop toggles when the clock goes 0 à1

A count down counter

3.   The contents of a four-bit register are initially 0110. The register is shifted six times  to the right with the serial input being 1011100 ( inputs are applied from right to left ). What is the content of the register after each shift ?

     Answer : 
      Content of the register : 0110
Input : 1011100
Output : 0011 ; 0001; 1000 ; 1100; 1111; 0111; 1011

4. The characteristic equation of SR flip flop is Q(n+1) = S+R’Qn

5.  A 4 bit shift register circuit configured for right shift operation ( Din àA, AàB, B à C, CàD) as shown. If present state of the shift register is ABCD = 1101, the number of the clock cycles required to reach the state ABCD 0100 is 

Answer : 
Present state  : 1101 ,
Din is A D
output : 0100

6.  The race around condition occurs in a J-K flip flop when

Answer :
       JK flipflop has three inputs and two outputs. Outputs are complementary to each other.
 when J =K = 0 and clk = 1; output of AND gates will be 0; when any one input of NOR gate is 0 output of NOR gate will be complement of other input, so output remains as previous output.

 when J =0  K =1 and clk = 1; output of AND gate connected to K will be Q and corresponding NOR gate output will be 0; which RESETs the flipflop.

 when J =1  K = 0 and clk = 1; output of AND gate connected to j will be Q' and corresponding NOR gate output will be 0; which the SETs the flipflop.

J =1  K = 1 and clk = 1; Q output will toggle as long as CLK is high. Thus the output will be unstable creating a race-around problem with  this basic JK circuit.

      7.    The minimum number of flip flops required to design a MOD-10 ripple counter is  4

Answer : MOD 10 à 10 binary value 1010 so 4 flip flops.

8. In general ,a sequential logic circuit consist of flip-flops and combinational circuits.

Answer : A sequential logic circuit consists of a combinational circuit and memory elements that form a feedback system. Flip flop used as memory element.

9.  While converting  JK flip-flop to D Flip-flop, instead of connecting an invertor between J and K inputs a buffer has been connected . The resulting circuit will be  T Flip-flop

10. Between a Latch and Flip-flop which one has higher possibility of getting input data noise propagated to it output. 

Answer : Latch act faster than the flip-flop as it react immediately once the input change.

11.  A Finite State Machine (FSM) with one input (X) and one output (Z) is defined by the state diagram below . Assume FSM starts with the state A. Given is the following sequence of input (X) values. 
X : 10010110101010. 
What state is the FSM in at the end of the above sequence ? What input can be detected by this ?
Answer : State C , Sequence detected 101

12. What is the function implemented by the circuit given below ? Assume the signal w is driven by square wave signal.

Answer :

When both flip-flops are cleared, their outputs are Q0 = Q1 = 0. After the Clear input goes high, each pulse on the w input will cause a change in the flip-flops as indicated in Figure. Note that the figure shows the state of the signals after the changes caused by the rising edge of a pulse have taken place. In consecutive time intervals the values of Q1Q0 are 00, 01, 10, 00, 01, and so on. Therefore, the circuit generates the counting sequence: 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, and so on. Hence, the circuit is a modulo-3 counter.

13.What would be the number of flip-flops required to design mod-10 ring counter and mod-10 Johnson counter respectively?

Answer :

To design MOD-N ring counter , N number of flip-flop is needed., so, 10 flip-flops are needed.

The MOD of the Johnson counter is 2n if n flip-flops are used.  So, if MOD-10 counter is to be designed 10 can be written as 2n = 2X5, 5 flip-flop is needed.

14.What is the modulus of the counter circuit shown below ?

Answer : MOD – 10 counter

15.What logic block should be placed at the point X so that circuit acts as a MOD-7 counter?
Answer : 

X should be replaced by Three input NAND gate , so that the ripple counter  can be  reset for 7 (111).

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